Friday, February 8, 2019

Assignment - 10A Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Hey Jazmin,
    I love your idea for the clothing line, but I personally did not caught a name for it. I think this addition of something to call the over all brand would be beneficial for you as it give people something to walk away and really remember for later. A name would help with overall branding as well. You are getting a bit of glare from the over head light though, so I would suggest maybe moving the camera over a little more. Overall great job.

  2. Shalom Jazmin, great job with differentiating your clothing company from others by incorporating a vision outside of clothes. By empowering women, Peruvian ones especially, your brand can draw out a very specific group of people. I still believe that women and minorities is an extremely broad target market, but with some refining and research, I think this is a great opportunity. Well done Jazmin.

  3. Hey Jazmin, I really enjoyed your elevator pitch! I thought the way you explained the clothing really cleared up some questions I had on the type of clothing that the store would sell. I think this ides could be very successful. The group of people you are targeting is very specific, but, if marketed correctly, could really catch on. Thank you for this post.
