Friday, February 8, 2019

Assignment 9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Assignment 9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2
  • Who: After conducting five additional interviews, I realized that there are groups of people that fall outside of my market. These individuals are men, kids, and elder people. Two of my interviewees were a young man and a young woman from Peru. They both agreed that selling clothes that could empower women and minorities was a great idea and they considered it a "must" in order to empower minorities and create a safer environment. However, the young man thought that the product was directed to women and other minorities but not men in general. Although, he agrees that this product could help others feel represented and powerful, he does not think that men have that need. My third interviewee was a mother and she explained that this product could help her feel represented; however, she would not buy that for her kids because she would rather buy clothes that fit their age better. Moreover, she loved the idea of creating jobs for single-moms by buying these products. My last two interviewees were an elderly couple who did not think that women nor men needed a product to feel empowered. They both believed that empowerment comes from each individual and that clothes could not do much without a strong personality. Moreover, they stated that women and minorities should buy the product only because it creates jobs for single-mom families.

  • What: The elderly couple highlighted something I already knew: this product is not going to end with violence against women nor help every single-mom get out of poverty. Violence and discrimination would still be a problem. The product might contribute in a smaller scale but the problem would still be there.
  • Why: I believe that the need is different. The people outside the boundary do not have this need because they either believe there is no problem at all or because they'll just rather buy a different clothing style. However, women and minorities who are usually discriminated in different countries all around the globe would think that this representation could not only help them feel empowered but also could contribute to create awareness.
Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary

Women and minorities who want
to feel represented by clothes

Men who believe that representation is important.
Elders who believe that they do not need clothes to feel empowered.

Men that feel there is no need to feel represented.
Mothers who want to help other
single-moms get a stable job
Kids who prefer a different clothing style.

Mothers that prefer a different style.

To create awareness about minorities and women's issues
No need for empowerment

No need for clothes that could represent them
To give women and minorities more independence

Discrimination and violence is still      Violence and discrimination
a reality in our society.                          against women and minorities
                                                              is not a reality anymore.


  1. Shalom Jazmin, first and foremost, im not sure what happened to this post but it goes off the screen in a very odd way so I cannot fully read it. However, for what I can read, I somewhat agree with what you're saying about who your product is for. But I think it needs to be more specified to your target market. Other than that, great post. Continue the phenomenal work.

  2. Hello Jazmin! I think your idea of having a clothing shop for emporium women and minority’s is a good idea, however I think the market may be a little small. Also, I am curious on what types of clothing you would sell. I do think that the elderly could be a market but only a very small portion of the elderly. Great post overall.
