Assignment 19A – Idea Napkin No. 2
Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life?
My name is Jazmin Sotomayor. I am persevering and hard worker, I have strong leadership skills and I like to work with others. I am also a person that is really sensitive and empathetic, I do not like injustices and I speak up when others are being insensitive with their comments or ideas. If I were to start this business, it would play the biggest role in my life. I am really passionate about giving everybody the same opportunities and making this idea a reality would be wonderful. I aspire to start a change that would help women through clothes, give them control over their decisions and bodies.
What are you offering to customers? Describe the product or service (in other words, how you'll solve customers' unmet needs).
I am offering a product that does not only help women feel themselves but also helps single mom families from Peru to succeed. There is inequality between males and females all over the world and what my product pursuits is to advocate for feminism and also create opportunities for women in the job field. The increasing xenophobia and gender discrimination in the US and Peru made me realize that something needs to be done to help women feel empowered.
Who are you offering it to? Describe, in as much detail as possible, the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your customers. Think especially of this question: what do your customers all have in common?
My target market is women aged 14 to 35. These women could be from high school, college, or working. They care about other's issues and believe that female empowerment is needed in our society. They themselves want to feel empowered and be part of a community where fashion is ethical and responsible,
Why do they care? Your solution is only valuable insofar as customers believe its valuable to them. Here, explain why customers will actually pay you money to use your product or service.
They care because they themselves have realized of the many issues women go through in different fields. They want to make a change in others' life and would pay money to empower themselves and others at the same time. They have seen inequality with their own eyes and want to create a change.
What are your core competencies? What sets you apart from everyone else? Also: what do you have that nobody else has?
I grew up being involved with the retail world. My parents own clothing stores back in my country and have connections with different distributors and textile companies. I also found that there are some online and physical stores that sell a "pro equality" clothing line but they only do it for a special month or celebration. However, they seem to be businesses with no social cause beyond making profits. Therefore, I believe that having a social cause would be a great asset to advertise and promote the brand.
In addition to these five elements, please spend a paragraph evaluating whether you believe these elements fit together or whether there are aspects of your business concept that are weaker / out-of-joint with the others.
I believe that these elements fit well together. However, I believe that I do not have the connections to promote my business idea in the United States. I do not know any distributor nor textile companies that could help me produce the clothes here. Moreover, I would need to do market research to understand the US consumer behavior. I strongly believe that UF could help me create connections with people with more experience in a similar market. Other than that, I feel that my business idea is not only about making profit but actually helping women in the US and in my country.
Feedback Memo:
I decided to be specific about my target, in comparison to my last idea napkin where my market was really wide. I changed minorities and women to only women because of how difficult is to satisfy distinct communities.
I also decided to be more specific about my skills instead of talking about past experiences, I wrote what I learned from the "Secret Sauce" assignment.
I changed why my consumers would care about buying this product by including that they are aware of issues women go through and want to actively create a change.